Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Our Mission Statement

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel." ~Patrick Henry


The Constitutional Freedom Party is a party by and for the people.  We uphold and will protect the Judeo/Christian Heritage of these United States.  Our foundation is on God and the Founders and their intent as they framed the words of the Constitution.  We will uphold and protect the rights which are given by God and solidified by the Laws of America, the Constitution. We are for smaller government as the Founders intended, by and for the people, who grant government their Just Powers. 



While this nation is comprised of many different beliefs, we value the Christian heritage, which this nation was founded upon.  We will not be made submissive to the secular/humanist agenda, which has pushed to remove any mention of Jesus Christ or symbols thereof from the public square.  We recognize the rights of everyone to worship or not according to their own religious beliefs.  If beliefs however step out of Constitutional bounds, they will not trump the Constitution.  Ours is a Constitutional Republic. It has been a beacon of freedom for people all over the world from every ethnic and religious background.  Our Judeo/Christian Heritage is, as Patrick Henry stated, the "very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom to worship here."

America was born a Christian nation.  The Constitutional Freedom Party will ensure it remains a Christian Nation and will work to preserve and strengthen it by adhering to the Constitution, in the original intent of the Founding Fathers.


We believe in the words of the Declaration of Independence, which declares that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, the first one is Life.

Life issues are and have been a contention of debate in our nation.  The Constitutional Freedom Party is first and foremost pro-life.  Liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not possible if we support laws denying life to any brothers or sisters. We will work to change hearts and minds about the damage and dangers of abortion.  The government has no Constitutional jurisdiction in promoting and providing taxpayer money for abortion services, and we will work to eliminate funding all pro-abortion organizations.  Abortion should be a state’s issue and we will concentrate our efforts towards getting the abortion issue back to the states instead of the Federal government. We will work to promote easier, yet safe adoption laws and encourage religious based and private sector help of women's clinics that provide services for pregnant women.  We will ensure that our Supreme Court Justices and those of the lower courts understand the Founders intent on the right to Life. We will nominate judges who, according to the words of John Adams, "therefore, should be always men of learning and experience in the laws, of exemplary morals, great patience, calmness, coolness, and attention. Their minds should not be distracted with jarring interests; they should not be dependent upon any man, or body of men."


There is nothing constitutional about government in marriage.  We will work towards the strengthening of Marriage as defined by not only the Bible, but also tradition which spans a millennia and all societies, one man and one woman. James Wilson, said, 'The most important consequence of marriage is, that the husband and the wife become in law only one person... Upon this principle of union, almost all the other legal consequences of marriage depend."
The Constitution does not give the government the right to redefine marriage, place extra tax burdens on married couples, or be involved in the "business" of marriage. 
Marriage is already defined.  We will fight to preserve the definition as it stands.  Homosexuals and others if so desiring, have the right of civil unions.  We oppose special rights given in the name of "equal" protection.

The Constitution does not provide for religious institutions, private business, and owners of private property to be damaged by litigation on the basis of social engineering.


The government has a duty to protect the citizens of this nation from enemies both foreign and domestic.  The Constitutional Freedom Party believes in parents’ rights to raise their children in a nurturing, loving environment without government intrusion.  The rights to train up, educate and discipline their children are a God given right and duty of parents. It is not the role of the federal government to usurp parental duties.  It is also not the duty of the federal government to look to a world government organization to sign unconstitutional treaties, which seek to infringe upon and in many cases take away parental rights. 

The federal government has destroyed the family unit of our nation’s poor through entitlement programs and community activism. Welfare recipients are required to be nonworking and unmarried. If the recipient finds a job they risk losing the needed help altogether. Fathers have been replaced by a government check. Children are growing up in war zones and their family is frequently being replaced by a gang membership.


The Constitutional Freedom Party values good and well-rounded education as the Founders intended.  The Founders valued education and study and believed all children should have a chance to learn and read.  While education is important in the upbringing of our children, it is not the role of the federal government to control and administer the education of our nation’s children. Our founding fathers saw the wisdom of instilling core values in our children.
The present educational system is flawed and has redefined values, deemphasized traditional subjects, and emphasized social engineering programs.  The federal government meant to guarantee a means for American citizens to have the right to an education; instead, they have taken over education through the Department of Education and have worked closely with organizations such as the National Education Association, empowering unions to ensure poor quality of learning for generations.

We believe in the parents’ choice of education, allowed by the States to decide what forms children take in their learning.  We believe in the right to home educate their children without federal restraints. We believe in school choice by vouchers and believe in privatizing education.  We will work towards abolishing the Department of Education and returning power to the parents, States, and local governments.


We oppose government mandated healthcare.  We oppose the tax penalties being imposed as well as government forcing Americans to purchase a product.  We oppose the inequality of such a government system, as it clearly imposes restrictions on one group of citizens to provide for another group.
Health care costs are expensive, but the federal government's takeover of the system is unconstitutional and unnecessary.  Health care costs can be lowered in many ways including tort reforms, allowing insurance companies to cross state lines and allowing for a pay-as-you-go system.  No one in America is denied care.  Hospitals must provide reasonable care even to those who cannot afford the costs, but they are more than willing to work with those who are uninsured, by providing a payment plan, which in many cases end up costing less than if it were covered by insurance or the government.

It is not the government's duty to force people into a system, which historically has shown to be overrun with fraud, wasteful spending and corruption.  We will work towards repealing Obamacare and weaning our nation off other government systems such as Medicaid and returning the issues of health care to the people and the states.

The right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness will not be possible if the US is attacked again, or overrun with enemies.  The Constitutional Freedom Party believes that the Federal Government's main duty under the Constitution is to provide for the common defense of the citizens, and to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. 

The government has failed miserably in the past few decades in keeping America safe. For too long our government has ignored their first duty. 
We believe in the idea Ronald Reagan promoted, "Peace through strength."  It is only when the world sees a strong America committed to peace that we are safe.  We support our Military and are committed to fight for Rules of Engagement that will allow our military to do their jobs and defend themselves in times of engagement.  We will fight to provide the best and necessary equipment that will ensure our men and women will have what they need, and most importantly remove the conditions which have turned our military into a liberal social experiment. 

We are committed to defending our nation's borders and closing loopholes such as "anchor baby" status for illegal immigrant aliens.  We deem that the government for too long has used section 1 of the 14th Amendment for the sole purpose of allowing babies born to illegal aliens citizenship status.  United States of America is a sovereign nation and it has established immigration laws.  
For too long, our government has ignored these laws, and allowed millions to come through an open border undocumented.  This is incredibly dangerous and foolish, as it is known that potential terrorists have come across the porous southern border and have set up sleeper cells intent on doing harm to the citizens and nation.  We support State rights to enforce immigration laws without hindrance from the federal government.

We strongly oppose the entitlements and social services provided at taxpayers’ expense to the millions of illegal immigrant aliens.  American citizens and legal residents have been footing the bills, which annually run into billions of dollars providing services and welfare to law breakers.  It must stop, and we will fight to stop it.

Veterans Issues

Ever since the inception of the Veterans Administration, the VA has been rife with substandard care, abuses, bureaucratic mismanagement, fraud and scandals at all levels. The latest issues which have been highlighted are only a continuation of over 70 years of a failure to keep the promises made to all of our nation’s Veterans.  The Constitutional Freedom Party feels it’s time to let the Veterans decide whether to keep the VA as a federally managed agency or turn it over to a privately run organization managed by Veterans. We will work with Veterans groups, honor their input and ideas of what would help ensure every single Veteran is taken care of when they need help. 

Money saved from discontinuing welfare programs for illegals will be used instead to help those who have served and fought for this nation, helping Veterans’ organizations and promoting those who work towards giving the best medical and health related care possible, grants and scholarships for further education opportunities, employment and housing as needed to any Veteran. 


We believe that Israel is a sovereign state and has the right to defend her people from enemy attacks.  We stand with Israel in their right to build settlements and defend their rights to securing their borders.  We believe that peace can only come when Israel's enemies are willing to permanently lay down their rockets and suicide vests, and allow Israel's right to exist.  Israel has citizens of different religious and ethnicities, including Arabs, who also enjoy all the benefits of citizenship including freedom of religion and seats in Israel's Parliament.  When Jews are allowed the same status among Arab neighbor nations, perhaps peace talks will be successful.
The Constitutional Freedom Party recognizes Jerusalem as the Capital City of Israel.  We will work towards moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

We oppose giving aid to nations who harbor terrorist organizations, who vote against America's interests when it comes to defense actions, or who oppose American values of freedom or espouse anti-Western threats.  We must look at aid on a nation-by-nation basis only.


"Foreign influence is truly the Grecian horse to a republic.  We cannot be too careful to exclude foreign influence." Alexander Hamilton, Pacificus, No. 6, 1793

The Founding Fathers had much to say about foreign influence on America.  The Constitutional Freedom Party will work to remove the UN from American soil, and to remove the U.S. from the UN.  There is no legal basis for our active participation in a world governing body that often seeks to undermine our Constitution.  Ours is a nation which has had the strongest and longest lasting Constitution. We will work to preserve it at all costs, and defend it against any government or organization that seeks to undermine, dismantle, or destroy it.


The Constitutional Freedom Party is dedicated to preserving and upholding the Constitution of the United States.  Never before have our freedoms been so close to being restricted as they are now. 
One of our most cherished freedoms is the right to keep and bear arms.  It is clear by the many written words of our Founders on what they intended when they added the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.  The right of the people to defend themselves is not only a right, but it is also a duty to defend one's family from threats whether they come from an armed intruder, a violent criminal, or the government.

Thomas Jefferson said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is at a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  Many of the other Founders agreed and spoke often of the citizen's rights to keep arms.   It is not the place of the federal government to take away the citizens' rights to protect themselves.  We will continue the fight to uphold this important right.

The Constitutional Freedom Party is committed to abolishing the IRS and instituting a Flat tax that would be fair to everyone. The purpose of taxes has long been used to levy more from those who earn, to pay for services and programs, which benefit few if any other than our politicians.  A simple flat tax would be in keeping with Thomas Jefferson's idea that, "Taxes should be proportioned to what may be annually spared by the individual."  It would also keep the federal government reigned in on what it can and cannot spend. 


The Constitutional Freedom Party stands on fiscal responsibility. We must cut waste and abolish government bureaucracy, which have done nothing but restrain and restrict the ideas of healthy private enterprise and peoples’ livelihoods.  We are dedicated to reduce the size of the federal government, reduce tax burdens and most importantly, slash spending. 
We are determined to end federally funded programs such as the National Endowment for the Arts, Public Broadcasting System, National Public Radio and a myriad of other wasteful studies and grants that would be best served by private donations.  We are not opposed to the Arts and Public media, but the federal government has no Constitutionally valid purpose of giving billions of dollars to organizations which could easily be supported by those who wish to see these programs.

We are committed to ensuring fiscal responsibility.   By imposing a fiscal budget yearly and implementing overseers to ensure no funds are wasted on unconstitutional or unnecessary spending, we can cut billions every year, while bringing our national debt down to a manageable level.  We will not allow uncontrolled spending which has placed an enormous debt burden on all our citizens and our future generations.

We will work against restrictions and government regulations which have strangled our entrepreneurs and small business owners.  We will fight against thug tactics of unions which are draining the life's blood of private citizens, and fight to allow freedom to work in all states.


"Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue,
                                                  and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition."
                                                                                          Thomas Jefferson

The Constitutional Freedom Party will seek ways in which to help the poor by raising them up, to train and use their God given abilities and talents, and not by restricting and tearing down the wealthy.  Those who are physically capable of working will be given aid in employment or entrepreneurial opportunities.  We will seek to promote private funding through local and state communities, for charities and faith-based organizations to aid the poor and needy.  There are thousands of privately run organizations who have operated successfully, and we are committed to promoting these charities and encourage duplicating these efforts through local communities.
The best way to combat poverty is to teach those to help themselves by education , short term help, and gaining skills to be productive.  Private industry, education and charities must be allowed to work together without federal government interference to provide support and aid to help people get on their feet, or those who simply cannot help themselves.  This can best be achieved through local communities and governments, not the federal government.  We are committed to returning power to the people and the States and getting the federal government out of the nanny business.  It is historically proven that the federal government has perpetuated and added to the poverty crisis in this nation. People are better at taking care of their family and helping their neighbors than any federal agency. 

It is known that the idea of a social security fund is about run its course.  Today, there are too few people paying into a system which is paying out to more people than ever before.  The federal government in essence set up a system for working people to pay into, to ensure that there would be funds waiting for them when they reached retirement age .  Frankly, we believe this has been a disaster, and completely unconstitutional.  All it has done is allow for more bad money management by the federal government.

There is no desire to "throw granny off the cliff", but there needs to be a cutoff point, as this program has become unsustainable.  People have the right to save and manage their own money accounts.  It is not the job of the federal government to run Ponzi schemes.  People should be allowed to stop paying into the program and instead pay into private IRA accounts or Employment accounts.


We believe in true citizen legislature.  We are a Constitutional Republic, in which the government is to rule by consent of the people who hire them to represent them.   James Madison said in the Federalist Paper No. 39, "It is ESSENTIAL to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not from an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored class of it; otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank of republicans, and claim for their government the honorable title of republic."
While our Founders left term limits out of the Constitution, it is because they did not foresee that politics would become a career for so many people.  Our government is now largely made up of people who have been in both houses for more than two decades or longer.  This was never meant to be. Real term limits would put an end to politics as a career and it would also end the re-election of those who cater to welfare and social spending programs and take advantage of those who vote for them.  Until we allow for term limits, our representatives will still prefer the interests, not of the public, but of a career-minded ruling class: legislators, bureaucrats, media elites, and special interest groups.
The Constitutional Freedom Party strongly believes in Term limits of three terms for the House of Representatives and two terms for the Senate.


Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution declares that Congress has the power "to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures".  

The Founders knew from experience the dangers that private bank institutions would be to a free Republic.  Thomas Jefferson stated, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."  James Madison said, "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance."
The Federal Reserve became a reality in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law. President Woodrow Wilson lamented having done so. In 1916, he wrote: "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men..."
The Federal Reserve is now the only entity that can legally introduce US paper currency into circulation. The Constitutional Freedom Party is committed to abolishing the un-Constitutional Federal Bank and bringing the power back to the people.


While this nation has been under threats from enemies since its beginning, we now, in the last few decades, have been recipients of direct attacks from Islamic terrorists.  Whether on US soil, as in the World Trade Center bombings and the attacks on September 11, 2001, or on our military bases or ships, we have reason to desire to do whatever it takes to be safe.  While it is necessary to protect our country, it must be done in a way that does not sacrifice our rights. 
The Founders created a government that would protect our individual rights, not violate them. Benjamin Franklin wisely said, "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."  The Constitutional Freedom Party is opposed to such intrusion by the federal government in ways that violate the rights of US Citizens. 
Through electronic surveillance and wiretapping, to internet tracking and monitoring electronically, our government has un-Constitutionally stripped us of our 3rd Amendment rights, which prohibits the government from stationing Soldiers, but in our modern times of electronic devices, it is an intrusion of our homes by the government.
We support the efforts of an open sharing between intelligence agencies when it comes to keeping our nation and citizens safe, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of US Citizens. 
C.A.E., K.B, S.D  2012

The Constitutional Freedom Party

The Role of Church in Government

Education the Constitutional way:

Liberty Teeth- The Truth about The Second Amendment:

From Whig to Shining Freedom: The Rise of a New Party:

The UN. UN Constitutional

The Truth about Taxes

Benghazi Part 1

Benghazi Part II

Benghazi Part III

Benghazi Part IV

Benghazi Part V

Benghazi Part VI

Benghazi Part VII

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Why Did I begin the Constitutional Freedom Party?
This is Why

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Welcome to The Constitutional Freedom Party

                      The Constitutional Freedom Party

                                                            Est. 2012

"If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of Almighty God, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave."
Samuel Adams

     We the people who are aligned to this Nation's Judeo/Christian heritage and founding, who believe in the true Conservative philosophy of lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, and individual financial responsibility, which were framed by our Founders, and the freedoms that they and we hold dear, determine to dissolve the political bands of the two political parties which have held no respect of the people to whom they are to represent.

     We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed only by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  The duty of a Constitutional government is to secure these rights, deriving their just power from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government or political party becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.

     We hereby institute a new party, The Constitutional Freedom Party, which we lay on its foundation the preservation of the principles of what has made a strong America.  We also adhere to the Constitution of this United States of America, a Constitutional Republic.

     Patrick Henry once stated in a speech he gave in 1765 that, "It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians; not on religion, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity and freedom to worship here."

      This message still holds true nearly two hundred and fifty years later.  While this nation is comprised of many different beliefs, we value the Christian heritage which this nation was founded upon.  We will not be made submissive to the secular/humanist agenda which has pushed to remove any mention of Jesus Christ or symbols thereof from the public square.  We will not be made to keep quiet our God given rights when the political parties and our government demand changes, which by twisting the original intent of the Constitution, promote laws which are antithetical to our Christian beliefs and heritage. 

     The very reason we have such liberties in America is because of a virtuous people. Once virtue is gone, in the words of Samuel Adams, "people will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader."   America was born a Christian nation.  The Constitutional Freedom Party will ensure it remains a Christian Nation and will work to preserve and strengthen it by adhering to the Constitution, in the original intent of the Founding Fathers.

     We believe in the words of Thomas Jefferson," The care of human life and happiness, not their destruction is the first and legitimate object of a good government."   We also hold the truth that one cannot have liberty and the pursuit of happiness if one is not allowed to have life.   The Constitutional Freedom Party believes in the Right to Life.  We believe that there are real choices when it comes to preserving life, and will work to preserve it at all costs.  It is not the federal government's job to promote and provide federal money to industries such as Planned Parenthood which is the largest abortion provider in the nation.  We will work towards ending state and federal funding for abortions.  We will work to promote easier, yet safe adoption laws and encourage private sector help of women's clinics which provide services for pregnant women.

     Benjamin Franklin wrote in On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766 the following, "I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer. "

     While it is not the duty of the federal government to provide through welfare programs to the poor, it is the job to promote the general welfare of the citizens.  Taxing one group of people up to nearly half of their income in order to spend on wasteful programs which are subject to fraud, and keeping citizens in perpetual poverty is not what our founders had in mind when they crafted the principals and ideas of this nation.  Government has too long taken on the role of provider and in essence a poorly run charity for the poor, and are spending more money that in any other time in our nation's history, yet the poor and lower middle class keeps growing.

     The Constitutional Freedom Party will seek ways in which to help the poor by raising them up, to train and use their God given abilities and talents, and not by restricting and tearing down the wealthy.  Those who are physically capable of working will be given aid in employment or entrepreneurial opportunities.  We will seek to promote private funding through local and state communities, for charities and faith based organizations to aid the poor and needy.  There are thousands of privately run organizations who have operated successfully, and we are committed to promoting these charities and encourage duplicating these efforts through local communities. The best way to combat poverty is to teach those to help themselves by education, short term help, and gaining skills to be productive.  Private industry, education and charities must be allowed to work together without federal government interference to provide support and aid to help people get on their feet, or those who simply cannot help themselves.  This can be achieved best through local communities, not the federal government.

     Patrick Henry said, "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government."  For too long, the government of America has been reaching into the lives of those whom they are supposed to be representing.  It was never meant to be the job of federal government to take care of people.  It is because of the chipping away at our nation's heritage and twisting the Constitution, allowing for the weakening of our churches and strengthening an ever growing government to focus on everything which restricts freedoms, yet ignores the first duty of the government which is to keep the people safe from threats foreign and domestic.  The first duty is to provide for the common defense of the nation and ensure domestic tranquility.

     For too long, our government has ignored the laws of this nation, and allowed millions to come through an open border undocumented.  These people broke the laws of this nation and no nation can survive if one ignores the laws and not only allow the lawbreakers to remain free, but give aid and comfort to them, to the detriment of the citizens.  This cannot go on.  The Constitutional Freedom Party is determined to ensure a secure border, end the practice of anchor status and end the social welfare to those who are here illegally.

     The Constitutional Freedom Party is determined to strengthen our military, as we believe in the idea which Ronald Reagan promoted, "Peace through strength."  We will work hard to ensure that our nation’s military, which has always been an honorable and brave force, will not be subject to social experiments.  We will fight for Rules of Engagement which will allow our military to do their jobs and defend themselves in times of engagement.  We will fight to provide the best and all equipment necessary which will ensure our men and women will have what they need.  We will work for those who have served this nation by helping organizations and promoting those who work towards giving the best medical and health related care possible, grants and scholarships for further education opportunities, employment and housing as needed.  The funding for our veterans will be found in the billions saved by ending social welfare programs for illegal, undocumented immigrants.

     Thomas Jefferson is quoted, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people."  He also said, "We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."

     We the people are disgusted with the waste and uncontrolled spending of the Federal government and at State and local levels.  The Constitutional Freedom Party stands on fiscal responsibility, cutting waste, abolishing government bureaucracy which have done nothing but restrain and restrict ideas and healthy private enterprise and people's livelihoods.  We are dedicated to reduce the size of the federal government, reduce tax burdens, creating a flat tax and most importantly, slashing spending which has placed an enormous debt burden on all citizens for generations to come.  By imposing a fiscal budget yearly and implementing overseers to ensure that no moneys are wasted on unconstitutional or unnecessary spending.

     James Madison wrote, "Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected.  No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties or his possessions."  The long arm of government has grown in such an unrestrained way which has restricted and interfered with personal and business property rights.  The Constitutional Freedom Party will work against restrictions and government regulations which have strangled our entrepreneurs and small business owners.  We will fight against thug tactics of unions which are draining the life's blood of private citizens, and fight to allow freedom to work in all states.

     The Constitutional Freedom Party is dedicated to upholding and protecting the preservation of the right of citizens to bear and keep arms as given under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.  Again, heeding the words of Thomas Jefferson, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is at a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  We also believe in our right to protect ourselves from having our rights stripped away by world governance through the United Nations, which does not recognize the Constitution of the United States.

     The Constitutional Freedom Party will work to distance our nation from this world governing authority, which includes states and nations which receive millions in dollars in aid from America, yet oppose America and hate our ideals.  Ours is a nation which has had the strongest and longest lasting Constitution, and we will work to preserve it at all costs, and defend it against any government or organization which seeks to dismantle or destroy it.  We will also work to remove the United Nations from US soil.

     Lastly, we must remember history or we are doomed to repeat it.  The Founders of this nation, while not perfect men, had an amazing insight and almost prophetic wisdom in their words and their concerns for this nation.  We would do well to think of the following thoughts of those who fought for and laid out real ideas for government in this nation and the people who would choose their representatives.

     Benjamin Franklin wisely said, "A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved.  It is the region of ignorance that tyranny begins."

     For too long, the government through the government education system, through the Department of Education has grown the size of government and ensured that those who have travelled through the system have a limited knowledge of this nation's founding, the Constitution and the intent of the Founders.  America is spending more per student than at any other time in our nation's history, yet we as a nation are turning out graduates who have no comprehension of even the simple basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.   The Constitutional Freedom Party is committed to privatizing education, promoting school choice and vouchers, and home education.

     The ignorance of what our government's role is in our nation, what and where our freedoms come from and what liberty and freedom mean has been evident in the past election.  We must promote, spread and look for others to help carry the torch of freedom and truth.  We must find ways through a new media, through our local school boards, local and statewide organizations, to learn, teach, spread the truth, expose lies and opinions disguised as news and teach the next generations about the founding of this Constitutional Republic.  It will take hard work, new ideas, ingenuity and planning from the smallest village, town, county and state levels.  It will not be easy, but if things are worth having and keeping, they are worth working and fighting for. 

     Let us unite and fight to preserve the vision of the freedom that not only did our Founding Fathers have, but also the dreams of which brought more people to this nation's shores than to any other nation.

For Freedom

The Constitutional Freedom Party of these United States of America

C.A.E  2012

The Constitutional Freedom Party

The Role of Church in Government

Education the Constitutional way:

Liberty Teeth- The Truth about The Second Amendment:

From Whig to Shining Freedom: The Rise of a New Party:

The UN.  UN Constitutional

The Truth about Taxes

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Why Did I begin the Constitutional Freedom Party?
This is Why